
Coral Gables, November 20, 2023SL FINANCIAL is an actuarial consulting and advisory firm based in Miami, Florida. We offer actuarial consulting and advisory services for businesses and governments in both traditional (re)insurance and alternative risk financing industries.


In today's digitally driven world, cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Cyber threats are constantly evolving, becoming increasingly sophisticated and posing a significant threat to organizations' valuable assets and reputations.


Cyber risk encompasses the potential loss or damage caused by cyber-attacks, which can target individuals, businesses, or organizations of any size. It includes the risk of losing personal data, trade secrets, and confidential information, as well as experiencing physical damage, denial-of-service attacks, cyber extortion, and social engineering attacks.


Cyber risks are on the rise due to several factors:

  • Growing reliance on technology. Organizations are increasingly dependent on computer systems and networks for critical operations, making them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
  • Ease of access to hacking tools. Hacking tools and techniques are becoming more readily available, allowing even novice attackers to launch sophisticated attacks.
  • Increased awareness of cyber-attacks. Media coverage and high-profile cyber-attacks have raised awareness of the potential consequences of security breaches, making organizations more attractive targets.
  • Compulsory reporting of cyber breaches. Many jurisdictions now require organizations to report cyber-attacks, increasing the likelihood of incidents coming to light.
  • Potential for increased fines. Governments are implementing stricter regulations and imposing heavier fines on organizations that fail to adequately protect their data.
  • Evolving legal landscape. Courts are increasingly awarding compensation to victims of cyber-attacks, putting further pressure on organizations to strengthen their security posture.


To address these risks, businesses should identify and assess their risks, implement security controls, monitor, and respond to cyber incidents, and consider cyber risk insurance.


SL FINANCIAL offers a comprehensive suite of actuarial and risk management services, including assessment, pricing, modeling, analysis, and compliance. Our actuaries can help you assess financial impact, price insurance, develop coverage, simulate attack scenarios, forecast losses, and ensure compliance.


For any question or media inquiry, please visit our website at www.sl-financial.com or contact our team at that ceo@sl-financial.com.



Achille Sime




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437 Bird Road
Coral Gables, FL 33146
    Achille Sime

    Fellow of the Institut des Actuaires France (FIAF)
    Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA)
    Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA)
    Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA)
    Affiliate of the Casualty Actuarial Society (AFFI CAS)